Under the current conditions of Cuban society and those that we will probably face in the near future, the tasks to be accomplished in the inevitable moment of change during the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, from a centralized to a market economy, from Castroist slavery to freedom and the Rule of Law, will not only be extraordinary but extremely difficult.
The Castroist demolition of the country, of its cultural and moral fiber, has been enormous. Economic, sociological, and spiritual damage has been immense. This is why the parallel work of reconstruction and transition to a new society has to be carried out tactfully and wisely, but most importantly with deep love for Cuba and its people. The reconstruction of our country will be a labor of love, or it will not be. It must be accomplished within the strict framework of the Rule of Law, with the clear goal of permanently eradicating hatred among Cubans. The objective cannot be anything other than the happiness of our people, and our support structure for this sacred task will be the remaining cultural and moral reserves that have not succumbed to the national disaster. And we cannot fail. We must mobilize those reserves and make faith and optimism reappear in our people, who are, today, deeply hurt and skeptical.
We must make the social division and hatred imbued by Castroism gradually disappear as we create a society where all Cubans can co-exist as members of a sole and vital nation, within the normal and desirable differences of pluralism.
This political program does not pretend to foresee all the details of the needed change. As a blueprint for change, it will have to be enriched and modified along the way, following the light of our ideals in our eyes and with great political sensitivity. On the other hand, change and liberation seem imminent if we look at the subsoil wherein lie the roots of our nation. We work for liberation, along with many others inside and outside of the country, even if we cannot yet picture its exact scenario. But change is near, events may come abruptly, and we must not let them take us by surprise and overwhelm us.
In all these years that we have worked for freedom, we have prepared a program of ideas and suggestions for the new generations of Cubans. The Second Republic must be founded on institutions and not on individuals.
We have taken into account the positive as well as the negative aspects of experiences in Central and Eastern European countries. And most importantly, the ethical-political thought of José Martí, that has been perversely manipulated throughout the history of the Republic, and especially affronted during Castro's tyranny. We believe that the universality as well as the lovingly Cuban nature of Martí's thought constitutes our nation's most valuable treasure. In line with his ideas, we believe that "the government should emerge from the nation; it should be nothing more than the balance (the equilibrium) among the natural elements of the country."
The White Rose does not seek any kind of protagonism, nor do we proselytize in exile, since we believe that in exile our main functions are to maintain opposition to the tyranny, to promote the debate of ideas and to deepen studies to allow us a greater understanding of our nation, in order to benefit from the positive aspects of our history and avoid its mistakes in the future Second Republic.
The White Rose vindicates the positive balance of the first Cuban Republic (1902-1958), despite its mistakes and flaws, and maintains the conviction that after the dark and anti-historic parenthesis of these long decades, the resurrection and reconstruction of the nation, to which we will contribute with hope and perseverance, will be possible in the Second Republic.
The false Castroist version of the first Cuban Republic (1902-1958) - unfortunately, accepted and promoted by many in the Western world and in many cases perversely influenced by economic interests - has repeatedly insisted on the idea that Cuba was a country haunted by misery, illiteracy, prostitution, social inequality and the imperialist dominance of the United States over its economy and politics. This is an enormous, Goebbelian-like lie, ceaselessly repeated, that has been accepted as truth in many political and intellectual circles. The reality of Cuba was very different, even while acknowledging its stains, especially in order to not repeat them in the future. As Martí, our apostle, taught us: "Everything, even the sun, has stains; the grateful see the light, the ungrateful only the stains."
In this sense, and bearing in mind the historical context and the reality of the country, when we analyze the nation's achievements in the 56 short years of independence before Castro took power, we find a vibrant and thriving society, more advanced than even many industrialized countries and clearly ahead of Latin America. This is especially true when we take into account the characteristics and circumstances of our starting point as an independent nation.
Contrasting the credible information of the United Nations and the World Bank would be sufficient to prove this. Why, then, have the tyranny and its defenders abroad insisted on demolishing the truth? Because they needed to slander the Cuban nation, the Republic, to make everyone believe that the Republic was so abominable that it needed to be destroyed, as it has effectively been destroyed.
Immediately after the liberation, a time that is often referred to as the transition period, the provisional government that will be established will have to accomplish, without fail, the following conditions:
1 –Amnesty for all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, the legalization of all political parties, labor unions and the press, and freedom of travel and movement.
2 –Dissolution of all the repressive and paramilitary organs of the dictatorship and the establishment of norms of conduct that will lead to and guarantee the professionalism, dignity and political neutrality of the armed forces.
3 –The Calling of elections, within a reasonable period of time, for a Constituent Congress that will have, apart from the responsibility of writing a new constitution, the legislative power and the power of oversight over the executive authority. Subsequently, it shall call for general elections, from Municipal to Presidential, including for a new Congress.
The electoral tribunal that is constituted must guarantee the fairness and transparency of all electoral processes.
We also propose to strengthen the provincial and municipal governments, with the aim of a healthy decentralization of power in order to lead to a closer relationship with the citizens.
For The White Rose, private property is not only an important subject, but a matter of principle, since it lies at the very foundation required for the reconstruction and economic development of our homeland, and it must be addressed with the respect which should be accorded to democratic values and freedom itself in a new Cuban Republic. History has shown that without full respect for private property, there is no freedom, well-being or progress in any society. Taking this as an undeniable principle -and that is how it should be taken in the Constitution- the new Republic must solve the multiple demands which will be made by physical and/or legal persons who were affected by the expropriations -thefts- of Castroism. Accordingly, we propose the creation of an office with limited duration, an ad hoc entity, that will be in charge of the study and processing, case by case, of these complaints. The fair reparation of damaged rights should be sought without neglecting the interest of the nation and its citizens, within existing possibilities and resources. This may be achieved through the issuing of public bonds or other means that the law will determine accordingly.
A) The issue of residential housing.
The White Rose is radically opposed to evictions. The legitimate owners that so demonstrate their ownership will be indemnified and the current residents will not be evicted. Their status will be respected, this is, their property title or leasehold. The tenants will continue to pay their rent until they reach an appraised amount to become legitimate owners. A plan of social housing should be implemented as a priority, aiming to provide every Cuban family with decent housing that they can own.
B) Industrial properties.
-Individuals and/or legal entities that prove ownership of any industry and its real estate will have their rights restored, with the responsibility of financing the start-up of industrial activity in the restored assets.
-Industries and other production assets or services created during Castro's tyranny that are not or cannot be subject to claims will be transparent and gradually privatized once the first elected, legitimate government is constituted. This will propel the government's administration by making it more efficient and competitive while providing financial resources that will help the state face the great expenses of national reconstruction during this first period.
C) The Second Republic's tax legislation will be graduated and progressive, and we propose the establishment of the following:
A contribution to finance the voluntary participation of workers as shareholders in companies, in a percentage to be specified, an equity participation that workers will pay for with a portion of their wages. A contribution to finance the creation and maintenance of a Bank for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Companies, whose funds will make possible access by the Cuban people to financial resources to start small and medium-sized businesses. The White Rose proposes the creation of one million of these businesses, which will translate into capitalism for all and for the good of all, in other words, a society of proprietors instead of a society of proletarians. Likewise, we propose the creation of two other banks: the Bank for Agricultural and Industrial Promotion (BANFAIC for its Spanish acronym) and the Bank for Economic and Social Development (BANDES). Within the graduated and progressive tax system, incentives will be given to individuals and/or legal entities that contribute to the two above-mentioned income sources for the state in the new Republic.
A third contribution would be directed toward the creation of a Social Security Fund that would guarantee pensions and social benefits. This would not affect other initiatives that persons or private institutions may wish to undertake in this regard.
D)- Economic Policy. The Central Bank. Monetary Agreement. The Cuba-United States Special Relationship.
The objectives of the economic and fiscal policy of The White Rose for the Second Republic of Cuba with the Rule of Law will be oriented toward achieving a macro-economic balance to maintain, simultaneously, price level stability, a high employment rate equivalent to full employment, continuous and satisfactory growth of the national economy and equilibrium in the balance of payments. This means the creation of a prosperous society with opportunities for all Cubans.
At the same time, The White Rose supports the strengthening and defense of our national currency through the Central Bank, which should be recreated in the new Constitution as an independent institution from the government, even though it should support the general economic policy of the executive; support that should be subordinated to the function of the Bank, which is none other than the defense of the currency, the incentive for economic growth and the maintenance of price level stability in order to fight any inflationary tendency.
At the beginning of the Second Republic, a Monetary Agreement should be created to support and consolidate the Cuban Peso, which currently has no value.
One of the most important objectives of the Second Republic should be the establishment of a "special relationship" with the United States, similar to the one existing between the Unites States and Israel, or between the United States and the United Kingdom. The experience with our history and geography has taught us that the United States Congress has been a great ally of the Cuban people, ever since it passed, in 1898, the Joint Resolution emphasizing that "Cuba is and of right ought to be free and independent."
The U.S. Congress, which is the direct representation of the noble American people, in that moment, as in others, helped in the achievement of our independence even though powerful annexationist interests seeking to take over Cuba were in existence.
The White Rose proposes the establishment of a special relation between our nation and the United States that would be close and fluid, based on institutions, mainly the Congresses of each country and their Chiefs of State.
To express in a very succinct manner the main ideas of The White Rose regarding agricultural policy in free Cuba, we will rely on the proposals made by Rafael Diaz-Balart in his book "Agrarian Law and Agrarian Policy," his award-winning doctoral thesis presented at the Complutense University of Madrid, and published by the Institute of Hispanic Culture (known today as the Institute of Iberoamerican Cooperation).
1 -Presence and direct cultivation by the owner -as far as possible-, with emphasis on the social function of property.
2 -Eradication of unnecessary and unproductive large land ownership, which in Cuba today belongs to the state, and the fusion of inefficient smallholdings or parcel concentration, as well as the stimulation of exemplary development.
3 -Promotion of legally stable and economically robust medium-sized agricultural property. And, in general, enabling as many farmers as possible to become owners of economically viable units.
4 -Facilitate group agriculture, especially cooperative systems without intermediaries, unnecessary and unfair burdens, etc.
5 -Systems of agricultural credits in order to facilitate the strengthening and technological development of small and medium-sized properties to avoid indebtedness of farmers by channeling credits to service cooperatives.
6 -Promotion of the highest and most stable employment levels, of the improvement of quality of life and an economic physiology of society within a system creating profits based on prices and markets, and of the permanence of every farmer who works the land without being its owner. In this sense, the wise antecedent of the Cuban Law of Sugar Coordination will be taken into account.
7 -Improvement of the tributary system with the goal of promoting and invigorating the pluralist and institutional structure of rural property.
8 - Appropriately channel and resolve the contradictions between agricultural and industrial development, seeking its harmonization.
9 -Promote rural technical education, spiritual orientation and a holistic cultural formation. Take common urban services, and cultural and recreational activities, to the countryside in order to enrich rural life and avoid migration to cities.
10 -Professional unionization of farmers and the promulgation of a Law for Cooperatives, a General Agricultural Law and an Agricultural Code, avoiding, in general terms, the depression of the rural sector in every aspect and seeking the most equitable distribution of wealth.
The White Rose understands that the new Cuba must ensure the defense of its sovereignty, while guaranteeing the sovereignty of its defense. For that reason, without falling into the military hypertrophy advocated by the Castroist tyranny in its insane policy of international aggression, free Cuba should possess professional and operative armed forces, technologically advanced, respectful of the democratic system, guarantors of our territory's integrity and specially prepared to confront the dangers of international terrorism and drug trafficking. The basis of our armed forces should lay in their technological superiority, which in turn should be the basis for the cutting-edge technological industrialization that we advocate (we support tax incentives and multiple kinds of support for the establishment and development of these types of industries, as well as for the promotion and support of technological research and development.)
We also oppose compulsory military service, since we believe that the education of our new generations should be a task of family and school, and not one for the barracks.
There can be very few greater dangers to social peace, to the Republic's stability and its progress, than any weakness, as small as it may seem, of the fraternal, solid and permanent integration of all elements that have historically formed our national identity. The White Rose believes that we should feel proud of our mestizo (mixed race) culture and nation.
"Say Cuban and you have said it all," we were taught by the Apostle of Dos Ríos (Martí). The prohibition against discrimination that the 1940 Constitution established should be complemented by a positive conception in the Second Republic. The new constitution, therefore, must prohibit any kind of discrimination, especially due to skin color or ethnic origin, as well as gender, sexual orientation, political or religious conviction, or any other that could harm the innate dignity of humans. Any type of violation of this precept must be severely punished by law. Regarding this aspect and with special emphasis, we advocate that the Constitution and the laws favor and make effective the true and total equality of women within society. In practice and in law.
In addition, The White Rose believes that all those who were forced by oppression to leave the country will be recognized as Cuban citizens, including their descendants of the first generation who express their will to be Cuban and to be integrated into the nation, following the constitutional tradition of democratic Cuba, ever since the pre-Republican Constitution of La Yaya.
The White Rose favors a lay state for the New Republic, not only because it has been the common practice within the Western world to which we belong, but because it is what our national history and our reality dictate. To this respect, we propose the independence and the most absolute respect for all religions and philosophical practices that exist in our country. The Catholic religion, the Afro-Cuban syncretic religions, as well as other Christian and non-Christian denominations, form the wide range of beliefs of our people and they must all enjoy the same respect and equality within the state.
In this respect we also refer to fraternal institutions, like the Masons, which have had a notable presence in our history, and which have even managed to survive with a certain degree of independence within the totalitarian state.
Education is the basis for the progress and strength of a healthy and prosperous modern society and should defend the values of democracy and freedom, of the nation and the family, the most important cell of society. The state must ensure free education including high school and must guarantee that no Cuban with ability will remain without university or superior education due to a lack of economic resources. The functioning of private education must also be guaranteed with the mentioned values and in keeping with our best patriotic, civic and ethical traditions. Research must be promoted at all levels.
Access to hospitals and health care services must be ensured by the state for all citizens, without excluding private participation in the delivery of healthcare. The Cuban experience of member clinics, that functioned optimally during the First Republic, should be rescued.
Social security must also be a sacred right for every Cuban, guaranteed by the state as complementary to the right to work within the philosophy of full employment and of all other productive activity.
The encouragement of sports, healthy entertainment, leisure and culture will be enhanced by the state, but in no case will they be tutored as during the Castroist tyranny. In all these spheres of social life the state will favor and contribute to the development and action of civil society.
The White Rose proposes the creation of state entities in charge of the recovery of the historical memory and truth, national patrimony protection on the one hand and environmental protection on the other, including flora and fauna, as well as the restoration from the great ecological damage that the totalitarian dictatorship has caused the country.
We propose the creation of an economic and social council, an autonomous entity advising the government that would include the participation of union and business organizations and other social actors. This council will be the supreme organism for achieving consensus for the nation's economic policies, as well as for policies related to the development of productive activities. The aim is to achieve the greatest harmony among social actors in the development and increase of small and medium enterprises, in which all Cubans will pursue, as a priority of the nation, their personal participation in national assets, whose ideal instrument should be the National Stock Market. By doing this, we would be not only promoting popular participation in company management, as opposed to the "gigantic-ization" which characterizes totalitarian states, but following the precept of Martí which states that a society of small proprietors will always be happy and free.
The White Rose rejects the euro-centric labels of right and left. We wish to be judged by our ideas, our proposals and our behavior. We are not linked to any international organizations with foreign ideas, although that does not mean that we absolutely reject them as points of reference. Neither communism, nor fascism, nor socialism, nor liberalism; our philosophy has its roots in the very core of our people, our traditions, our circumstances, our history and the desires, needs, and hopes of our homeland, without falling into a senseless chauvinism. It is the philosophy of our national heroes like Félix Varela, José de la Luz y Caballero, Ignacio Agramonte, Céspedes, García, Aguilera, Moncada, Maceo, Martí and Masó. This philosophy has a name: CUBANISM.
The First Cuban Republic (1902-1958) was born castrated ever since the 1898 Treaty of Paris between the United States and Spain, in which Cubans were prevented from participating, even as observers. The properties of the pro-independence Cuban patriots that were confiscated beginning in 1868 were never returned to them or their heirs. For that reason, economic power in the Republic remained in the hands of the Spaniards, to which American investors had equally privileged access, since the Cubans were de-capitalized with the exception of those who were autonomists and whose belongings were never confiscated. Patriot Mambíses (freedom fighters), who gave their all during the wars of independence, were left penniless. For example, the great General Quintín Banderas, who received an offer of employment from the first government of the Republic: to be a sweeper of the streets of Havana; the offer was rejected.
Pro-colonial Spaniards who favored the annexation of Cuba by the United States, as well as other autonomist sectors, started a sordid campaign against politicians and politics, which was the sole means for those who had been pro-independence supporters to integrate into the nation for whose liberty they had so fiercely fought.
It is the desire of The White Rose that the economic power in the New Republic will never be able to control, directly or indirectly, the political power, the essential instrument of democracy. As is obvious, there cannot be democracy without politics, nor politics without politicians. Defamatory campaigns against politics and politicians tend to have a totalitarian inspiration.
The experiences of the democratic transitions in Spain, Portugal, and in the European countries of the old Soviet Bloc have demonstrated that if even communist parties accept the Rule of Law and pluralism, they can be integrated into new situations of liberty in their nations.
The Cuban communist party has serious political responsibilities because of its support, throughout decades, of the hateful tyranny of Castro. Those responsibilities should be judged by the Cuban people at the ballot box. A different thing is the criminal responsibility derived from punishable actions committed by certain of its members against the dignity and human rights of citizens. That can and should be judged by Courts of Justice, but as we have repeatedly stated, it has to be done within a strict Rule of Law and with all procedural guarantees of a democracy.
The White Rose believes that legislators and, if applicable, members of the Constituent Assembly, should guide behavior but never the thought or affiliation of citizens. We desire a Cuba without persecutors or persecuted; without winners or losers; without vetoes or discrimination, without hatred or resentment.
As we all know, the presentation of a program to the people, the presentation of ideas and projections -proposals, desires and hopes for the achievement of progress and stability of the nation- is a fundamental function of political parties in any democratic system. Likewise, the preparation and training of new leaders, to ensure a healthy, periodic replacement of leadership within the party, and consequently in the nation, is also an essential function of any political party in a democracy.
What we seek for our Second Republic is a Republic of institutions and not of personalities.
This proposal for a political program is, as is logical, subject to future enrichment and precisions, and is open to the observations and suggestions of our supporters and members. It will of course need the approval of the National Assembly of the party, once freedom reigns in Cuba.
The structure of the party will be defined in full detail as soon as possible, adapting itself to the laws regulating this field, with the participation of our members that are and will be in Cuba, and who will be in charge of electing the party's leadership and designing its structure.